Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ansi Lumens How Bright Is 30

marketing plan: "In the beginning God created heaven and earth. .. "

marketing plan is ...... I pause for a moment above all because the dear reader might expect one of those compact and precise definitions, when a student is expected to find and spilling onto the exam table (if oral) or on the sheet (if written) and have the consent of the teacher on duty.

definitely the more we look, the more we find, something like the explanation of the truths of faith, precisely because it is matter of faith at a given moment we have only to believe them, period. An acquaintance who loves the wine (and with good humor), had that this drink is attributed all kinds of properties: digestive, rejuvenating sexual stimulant, preventive oral diseases ... and if you follow the list, someone might even say that it is even good for the view or vision of our eyes .. ..

Precisely this is usually the problem or under a marketing plan ... in practice all .... We can approach it is saying is that for example we had to develop general was in charge of the Normandy landings. But in turn this innmensa maneuver was framed by a grand plan to end the German military forces in line with the overall course of actions carried out in the Pacific for the same with the Japanese and win the war. In turn, people like Patton, saw clearly that the problem was and / or would be more in the future, the advance of the Russians and their political and social scheme commonly known as communism with China soon would face United States its allies for hegemony in the world .....

In this sense, the example we understand that a marketing plan is not an isolated incident in the company, simply because it is conceived on the basis of what is sought in a general or fundamental in the company and or with the means and the personal and economic provisions of the owners, owners or leaders of the destinies of the institution. If we take only the words we say then that this is a great marketing plan, marketing in English is nothing more than marketing, "marketing" ...

For this reason, I believe that the cornerstones to start are: What we want to win before, so that we conquer. What results we achieve in the first and most general terms in more specific terms despuée. Subsequently, what resources will be needed for such achievement or accomplishment, including of course the time factor. A critical challenge that has this type of plan is the imagination. The display (even detail the conquest or achievement) is often present strong distortions with both present and future reality. The way to mitigate this is defnitivamente compare with others our vision and have the humility to recognize the outcome of that confrontation. While there have been major achievements in history where a single visionary was able to achieve its success or victory (Alejandro, Jesus, Mohammed, Gandhi ..), we agree that can serve as an inspiration but with humility and simplicity to accept our condition and not seek opportunities to carry out this choice alone.

The truth is that parallel to all these, say difficulties, we have the ability to preserve the vision of the issue to begin to take shape slowly. Is fundamental (and usually difficult to obtain) as managers, have the powers necessary to arrange things so that we ejerecer our authority with the usual inherent responsibility. We have to overcome at this point these poses little happy shareholders and / or owners of the organization who question our responsibility on the grounds that it is they who put their money and / or dessert would be those who can lose if the plan not work.

Success then a great marketing plan lies not only in the genius with which it is intended but the support receives from those who are on the organization (first) and then by the conviction of its viability and purpose display unit, which will involved in their implementation. In the middle course, we have the physical resources (both money and the rest of the material goods necessary). It is also clear that the choice of the people I believe we will achieve the plan is another key point. Often we see football teams for example and the efforts of the leaders on the list that passes the technical director or proposed. Unfortunately, however, such attitudes are not so common in our organizations. Generally tell us that the plan should be carried out with the people we have, without any more discussion on this point.

The positive experiences of business owners or managers of organizations have achieved results in their own way, without a doubt is a debilitating factor in the process. Often many of these events have been due to a certain moment the market, especially when it was more of an event that people bought them and not necessarily sold. Of course, if we put it that way, possibly generate more courage against us and maybe even a removal of office.

Then, inspired and equipped with the knowledge que disponemos, hemos de ir construyendo ese plan de marketing que nos han encomendado. Trabajemos en equipo, en cada una de sus etapas. Busquemos obtener lo mejor de nuestros colaboradores en el asunto. Recordemos no cerrarnos a ninguna idea en las etapas preliminares y procuremos a toda costa, consensuar y negociar el que y el como lo haremos en cada una de sus etapas. De este modo, ganaremos tiempo, evitaremos desgastes y fundamentalmente tendremos mucho más posibilidades de éxito.


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