Friday, March 25, 2011

2010 Silverado Ss Sale

managerial leadership styles. (I'll tell you what is the best ..)

read in the abundant literature that one of the many deficinciones of Leadership is: "Leadership is an attempt to influence directed through the interpersonal communication process, the achievement of one or more goals." Throughout our lives, we are (and we continue to find) with gurus in this area or intend to sell other security almost "mystical" an answer or solution that does not always exist.
In organizations we can observe, meet people who feel much more comfortable and secure when others make the decisions that they should take. These are people whose initiative and willingness to material or intellectual effort is practically dormant, either by a process socialization thus was forged or simply for having allowed his laziness and mediocrity the invasion completely. Obviously we must make the proviso, that in many circumstances, either the charisma or his ability and experience, even those with enough personality and regulations, follow a leader and his decisions subrogated to this and that is why we should not considered as the first to describe.

Many believe that the leader is synonymous with dictatorial authority, and therefore reject it outright. We know in this context that a collective level, there have been cultural phenomena as those experienced in the sixties, where This situation has also been fully justified by a kind of fullness or reaction to those taking decisions in the world they lived. A world full of inconsistencies and nuances such as violence, war and revolution on the one hand and on the other strict rules of morality, art, fashion, and we say, the way of life. Definitely learned a lot of young people of those times, however as we will see is fully constructive forms of leadership that is worth experiencing and internalizing.

I mean precisely a term or concept that is rarely have been linked to leadership. I am referring to the prosperity . In our college books types of leadership are described as paternalistic, democratic or participatory, anarchic, dictatorial, etc ... In this sense I consider that a leader must be the generator of prosperity for all parties and that in itself should be a feature or criminality. Should consult a specialist in grammar to express it with the correct term. Maybe we could call it leadership prosperizante or prosperizador , finally important thing here is the fact generate repeat, prosperity.
probably also at this point, you will reach your hands a lot of literature related to the theme of prosperity. A proper definition we can find is: "The experience of having a lot of what we really need and want in life at both the material and others."
We should avoid the path of prosperity as we strive someone who does not know what you want in your life or, in the company or organization where I work only about money and profits rather than spirituality, etc ... Maybe if we clarify the picture examples. Take the case of student workers (whether academic, technical, etc ...). There companies as a great Davida granted leave several hours before the worker to go to take the test. However, a manager (such as speaking to them), they "prohibited" employees go to work on test day. And if this was very difficult or important, they indicated that the previous day also took the afternoon for a proper review and rest before the exam. Modestly, that is to lead to prosperity. There are cases where suppliers (especially the most humble) they are squeezed to achieve an improvement in prices and when to pay, hardly respected today. This is leading to prosperity? We also have those leaders who insist their subordinates in the care, hygiene and maintenance of furniture, equipment, tools and related services to achieve not only efficiency but effectiveness and cost savings to the organization and work more pleasantly. This is thinking in terms of prosperity.

risk Assign tasks or exceeding those provided for a challenge or put under pressure to test the provisions of the employee, not lead to prosperity. In other words, we can achieve high performance leadership if we consider not only the material or circumstantial aspects are important but also that which creates well-being of the person. Perhaps some considered impractical this type of leadership without However, we should review our policies in the organization and work with those leading workshops (care, at all levels) to analyze produnda and honestly, shares leadership and are usually taken to rule on the matter. I can assure that with only a few changes in the hue of our leaders, in terms of prosperity, things will go much better than we imagined and more and better results "for all."


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