Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pokemon Yellow Source

Organizational Culture: We advance?

"Organizational Culture, includes the experiences, beliefs and values, both personal and cultural organization."

As I start these articles, we take what we learned in college and / or what we reiterated in these important courses and seminars that some are able to attend in order to reflect on our own professional reality and act accordingly .

There is definitely enviable examples not only professionally but personally moving. At this point we can not say that there are good and bad organizational cultures because it would be the same as saying that Libyan culture is bad and the English is good, which does not stand discussion. What is clear is that if we see a man walking down the street with a hot water bottle under his arm and a mate in the hand of the same arm in a summer day with 30 degree heat, will almost certainly to be Uruguayan. In other words, there are features that no doubt we're talking about or what characterizes the person or organization.

There are organizations that are striving to show a way of being and yet their actions "reveal" or evidence of their organizational culture. The organizational culture is fashioned as layers or veins of a tree ... eventually events, people who have passed or by the founders or drivers who have.

The religious order founded by Teresa of Calcutta for example, lives and acts consistently with the principles of its founder, who in turn has been an example for believers and unbelievers with his works and those in difficult times or moments of praise and Distinctions.

The same can be seen in the Godfather films memorable. The point is, if our organizational culture is nourished or evolving to adapt to new times, new ideas, technological discoveries and the social demands of those issues one way or another are led to man and society more just, equitable, or simply to complete more happy and fulfilled or not. There are organizations that go against the stream and continue to defend its members for example, the progress of outsourcing under the guise of improving profitability, detached from tax obligations, or social security contributions linked to retirement. Are also those who never cease to care for their members in regard to recognition, awards, promotions, training and guidance on personal development and even spiritual and family support (counselors).

And of course we also have those organizations yet very well characterized in the second decade of the 21 as the Homer Simpson works in Springfield. Indeed there are many well and not only are large companies, there are also small companies. In some cases we are likely to choose to stay in them or not but in most cases, this possibility is not as big as we wanted. For this reason, the assessment of organizational culture should be an extremely important issue. There are audit method is located in the organizational culture? You have probably already developed consultants getting very large sums of money for it. But have to see if the results were as good as the sum Delivered for it. As a matter

contidiano of managers who want to achieve or strengthen their professional success, we must reflect on what kind of culture characteristic of our organizations and aspects of it should evolve and / or processing within those principles held by its current drivers or that its founders. If the consistency of a bit is being diluted, a conversation or timeliness about it that will need to be professionally appropriate. These issues should be analyzed on the basis of the habitual, practical, sophisticated look and philosophy of little or no use to make things better.

will be confronted with human resources policies with those related to responding to dissatisfied customers, dealing with suppliers, compliance with tax obligations, social security and finally, consciousness. Self-consciousness (as managers) and the conscience of those who now run the organization and ways that are committed to all members of the company that will develop as human beings themselves and the rest to follow them.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Female Get Nipple Piercing Movie

Total Quality Management (TQM): Total Quality Management ....( wow!) Managers & Styles

The theme of the overall quality is definitely a classic, passionate when I studied at university. Also of course when we look at or attended seminars and recall for example the Japanese method S. Kaiser or the 5 Definitely is so inspiring to imagine the work within our organizations, with the proper tools, all in order, instead, discarding the useless, keeping the materials according to the frequency of its use ... Imagine our staff neatly dressed ... .

is truly rewarding to visit companies where it all applies. Recently I visited a laboratory of pharmaceutical products and was amazed at its performance under strict accordance with industry standards. Similarly, of course, many other industries where this is commonplace and internalized decades.

Undoubtedly, it is appropriate and necessary to examine to what occurs in this sense in our own area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility. Beyond all the sophistication and precision of these companies we know and those books we read, we must evaluate what contidianamente happens in our own organization, with our own people, our own routines.

particular worries me the breakthrough with the methods of outsourcing or contracting in the form of personal services in relation to the so-called total quality must involve the contract. Because it levels of demand for these tasks are carried forward extremely hard in respect of the "quality standards", but working conditions are also included in these standards? We provide the tools, infrastructure, appropriate physical space for it? Probably in your town and mine will look for example the proliferation of messengers and delivery people (today I say Americanized and delivery services or delivery) on their own motorcycles that have no other protection other than his own guardian angel (if you are fortunate enough to be Catholic of course) to carry out its task.

Again, the issue of total quality in terms of methods, processes, procedures or whatever denominator has to be analyzed for you in terms of conditions that is providing your organization to be met. Should be reminded that quality is the "return", is yours as a manager and the worker or employee. We must not require, if we demand, we should not order actions without ensuring the presence of the conditions and elements necessary for the ruling. We should not abuse the ingenuity, creativity, provisions, goodwill, or simply the need for workers to keep their jobs, so that the task is made satifactoriamente.

Most of us see on cable TV these programs from the first world where workers have protective elements, precise tools up to wipe his nose, where they hardly more than the necessary force to operate quasi robotic machines. In contrast, perhaps in our locations, go to a hospital and found duct tape to secure broken furniture or a signpost, the brand representative of our car or motorcycle parts we propose to use a "similar" to that need by lack supply, or electrical wiring in our office is insufficient and therefore use extensions connected with great ingenuity to keep working.

Some will say that everything is a matter of seeing the glass half full or half empty or that we appreciate what we go and take a challenge what remains to be done. In this regard, given that we intend to be successful managers, material quality and the conditions necessary to achieve this should be a point not to overlook every day. Starting with ourselves to our partners. This will matter to fight for and demand from our superiors, not just a matter of profitability but for ethical and professional that we can not ignore.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Replacement Bulbs For Tesco Christmas Lights

Among the most widely read articles on this page are those related to management styles that have or that we normally see in different organizations. Thus then we see that it is worth continuing this journey of reflection and purposes to achieve a successful personal management.

definitely a key element of a set of things like dominoes are transmitted to the ends of the business. For this reason, I feel particularly attracted and identified with the schools of thought that insist on highlighting both the formal and technical skill acquired by managers in training, post grades and related their personal qualities, principles, values \u200b\u200bor personality. While I have no professional authority to question those personality tests that are used when attempting understand or identify how we react soon or this or that situation, I am of those who believes that the "deal" is the key to understanding and sustaining relationships with superiors, colleagues and subordinates in an organization.

This does not mean ceasing to respect the right to privacy. Nor invade or overwhelm people with probing questions about his private life, his family, likes, problems. But people are trying to promote and maintain communication channels both formal and non formal (always within a framework of respect and location). Obviously here we must be very serious and professional in the management of what is confidential and what is not. In an article raised the limits of this type of relationship as far as it goes our supervision and from where to take other measures such as counseling and related fields.

definitely know and understand a little aspirations, family background and social origins, if there was a traumatic event in the past or if there are serious health situations or money in the family (for example), is important at this point. Definitely too, are the result of all this and therefore should not surprise the reactions that arise in daily dealings know if any of this. Obviously to take forward these Manager talks should be formed. This training does not necessarily equate with religious education for example, or those linked to the realm of faith in something or someone. It is true that our views and judgments are strongly influenced by this type of training but we must always remember the respect for individuality and freedom of conscience that we all have. Also important to know about the human personality, to acquire knowledge in sociology and mainly feed on readings that build our soul, our inner and sharing that aspect so important to those around us.

Despite these considerations, we and may continue to see large and small dictators in our organizations. Unfortunately, in many cases are encouraged or hidden or openly encouraged managers or general managers. The faithful dog culture is still strong in many areas. It shows very easily on first contact with the guard at the door perhaps, or a supervisor, buyer, or even to a receptionist. No need to dig inside a lot to know and understand the organizational climate and management style that prevails in a company.

We remember those cute and so certain phrases such as: If you want to say you know something is secret. Or do not you clarify that darkens .... The more you want to hide the hostile environment or the disagreement of the employees most noticeable everywhere. It is worthwhile to go back to the issue of how we manage our people. Go to bottom with our superiors and frankly determine whether or not we are willing to do it his way. Similarly, if we find or owners or managers of organizations with good values, we must cherish and care for our place there. And basically highlight with our partners. We tend to minimize what good we have in our hands and that is something we should avoid and turn quickly.

Finally, it hurts not remember what she says, treat your neighbor as you you treat yourself. Repeatedly cite as a Gandhi and not over do it now when he said that the change begins with ourselves .., otherwise nothing will happen, nothing will change and we still mourn for all the evil that surrounds us.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Oakley Blades Oakley New Razor Blades?

effective negotiation and University Street

Again we are here to reflect and seek to move ever closer to those wise and beautiful which we access knowledge at university or perhaps in a post-graduate or even better in super seminars with speakers such spectacular seeking to show the philosopher's stone to success in business and not life itself. This time, we stop on the principles of negotiation effective. We know that the traditional concept posits that there is always a winner and a loser, while the modern concept of the school speaks integrative win-win and go eat or not eat happily ever after.

It turns out that the Street University shows that being sellers or buyers may be faced with a supply curve inelasticity prone to this issue of win-win does not matter and the weakest must bow to stronger requirements.

In markets where the forces of supply and demand are relatively balanced by its abundance in both quality and quantity, the possibilities are obviously higher. Of Just as we found associations for consumer protection or other legal mechanisms that allow the stronger is not abused or that the weakest do not lose out forever. The interesting thing is that we dare to speak effectively when negotiating such inevitably need to pay debts or sell the merchandise purchased. Or when we are faced with an oligopoly of demand. The saying goes ... "Is what we have" if you like .... there's the door.

Within the beautiful principles of effective negotiation, such as one: "Think as much as yourself: do not make proposals that are not fair enough: make deals that are good for you but at least acceptable for other *. And what about this: "Think long term in this negotiation will result both for the relationship with the other and for future negotiations" *. Particularly gives me very sad to see the days of payment, queues and inconveniences that small and medium sized suppliers must do to collect on large stores or supermarkets. Of course there are exceptions (it is better to leave it expressed no?). I wonder if you think about the principles of effective negotiation ...

The director of a company I worked for ten years once told me that had to be extremely demanding and dribbler with large companies, as had enough to pay what is timely, in contrast with a small or medium service provider should be considered and not race if the price was reasonable as possible for their daily basic livelihood depended on their personal and family. Here's the answer I try to draw contrast. The director said in the statement its principles, let's call moral, ethical or business. Definitely this is the aspect that we must not only be present but practice diligently to become successful managers of truth.

external signs in daily contact with suppliers or customers can perfectly see the meanness or the magnanimous reigning that company or organization. Remember also that often occur cases where top management does not share the harmful practices of its staff of managers. In this case, we must find a way to get to the first because we could make changes that encourage us not only to us but to many who suffer from the latter. Finally, another premise

effective negotiation: "With his colleagues, do not negotiate like neither foes become friendly: keep your relationship in a cordial and respectful collegiality" *. Tengamoslo this as this if it depends on ourselves and definitely be an important feature of successful manager. Only occasionally taken into account should become a habit then by the effects of repetition, is virtue and property of our management and our person in its broadest sense.