Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Build Your Own Wwe Wrestler Online

Leadership: What a reference!

In these days had not happened in a thousand years, the Catholic Church proclaimed Blessed Carol Wojtyla, better known as John Paul II. Undoubtedly, this great man serves as an example for present and future generations in many aspects. This time, humbly, I can reflect with readers about leadership from the point that we have to address in this space.

Lead by example. John Paul II was a consistent man. The coherence of life is a fundamental element for the leader, in our case, business. The painful and even indignant when executives, managers, supervisors, inspectors present performance modes that conflict with their own performance. Few rules or regulations of our organizations were written artificially to announce a quality lacking in the eyes of locals and visitors.

Leading the initiative: John Paul II did not wait for things to happen but was the maker of changes. In spite of the slow pace of an institution like the Catholic Church, was a model for rulers, other religious leaders, businessmen and ordinary people in terms of addressing issues that deserved to be dealt with, modified or recognized as a problem by committing himself to the proposal. Opening

those who think differently, face up to his own murderer. How to forget the encounter with other religious leaders historically antagonistic after so much bloodshed to defend absurd truth of either side. How to forget an encounter with those who threatened his life, with a very special and sympathetic face which pious priest hearing confessions in a parish anyone.

Leading is not easy. Still, John Paul has shown us (as leaders thousands anonymous) is possible. If something we should consider avoiding or minimizing our lives are those attitudes of inconsistency that hurt us and hurt both the organization in which we live. Remember that what we most want to hide is often most evident in our lives or organizations. Although many do not care to observe them as the money continues to accumulate in the bank account, we know that the universe has its immutable laws of energy and to the extent that we understand all that ends up putting yourself in their place. Internalize costs (who writes them first) and costs appease resentments when witnessing injustice, corruption and gross display of ill-gotten wealth, but life is a journey in which these issues must also learn to enjoy path and reach our goal.

Ni Juan Pablo, and so many others, have done for recognition or payment. While our business organizations, profit or remuneration is a key element, we must remember that above all this, it is the balance of our being in all its dimensions and the balance of those with whom we have to "interdependence "Circumstantial or permanently. In many cases where you choose a management earn less in exchange for greater freedom to make decisions. In other, better economic conditions but in a more difficult in peer or market. It is difficult to compensate with a good salary to injustice, abuse, fraud or illegality, but many professionals access on behalf of the family, welfare or public recognition.

This is absolutely a personal decision. Define what each considered successful and no. But we must remember that as above so below, as within so without, and that whatever path we take, this mysterious and inexhaustible universe, everything balances, everything blends and eventually put in place, not the end of the road but steadily and life every day of our lives.


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