Sunday, April 10, 2011

How Many Electric Cars Sold 2010

organizational culture and corporate identity

One of the topics that interest is sucite on readers of this blog is the organizational culture. Obviously this way of "self" that each organization has and plans, day to day normal activities is an extremely complex topic and unifying of different aspects, studied in Univesidad or experience, we had to know how to interpret and assimilate.

As noted by many authors, organizational culture is like the personality of individuals. Precisely if we follow that line of characterization, we must understand that its founders and board, former general managers and, of course, the functions currently in print much of the features that make the identity of the organization.

Thus we see that the companies invest millions in the currency we want to use to project an image. There is also a continuing effort not only advertising but through the "formalities" of desktop to communicate: Dear audience and the community, we are well! But the community really draw its own conclusions, not only with those beautiful images and phrases armed but with the results received from other situations which link to them. We understand that the community response in relation to products and services is just one aspect of organizational culture.

organizational culture inconfundiblde our way in dealing with suppliers. Logically also shown in the maltreatment of workers, especially in the daily treatment and the various forms of compensation. This is not hostility or benevolence. It covers the background and the shape and the site where the situations we place priorities and / or budgets and plans for the future.

Perhaps the more appropriate word en estos momentos pueda ser "coherencia". Hemos de analizar permamentemente el qué y el como se hacen las cosas en nuestras organizaciones. A medida que las empresas crecen, se incorporan distintos tipos de personas. Generalmente dada la urgencia o necesidad, centramos nuestra mira en los aspectos técnicos, de experiencia y de formación intelectual de los candidatos. Sin embargo no le damos la misma prioridad a otros aspectos de la personalidad y, cuando se los damos, apelamos a los "casilleros psicológicos" manejados por los especialistas que en una o dos entrevistas nos tipifican, dejandonos dentro o fuera, arriba o abajo, con aumento o sin aumento, para bien o para mal de quien le pese. Pues esos contratados, gracias a haber pasado las pruebas guinea pig showed they are the ones who then add their expressions of personality, all features that make the organizational culture.

In this regard, I am reminded of the founder of a traditional shop until the last years of his life, though, and their children and manage their business, professional managers, he kept on through the different sections of such an emporium, asking, observing, talking with customers and employees and pointing to account details or correct. We often hear when "Juan Pueblo" appears saying ... "The company is no longer the same as when Don Pedro lived ...." Clearly, is making a difference in style, try, way to get things, in other words, organizational culture that was then and now.

Thus, although the subject is inexhaustible, we analyze how the organization is today and if their "good or bad ways" of being and doing things are the way we want them to be. Once and for all we must strive to recognize the way we see from the outside and be willing to modify policies, procedures and even people without negatively affecting our current corporate identity. Little or nothing can be done in the past, but for the present and the future. Exit identity mean, insensitive, egotistical, greedy, polluting, it is extremely difficult and time consuming. In turn, they quickly feel the effects if a change at general manager or board, all decisions are taken to a negative perception towards our personality as an organization. Recall finally that the worst is the fear allies. Not easy and takes time to secure the support of the people to our ideas and proposals, however this will ensure our survival as an organization because, whatever we do, so we move ahead or success will give us precisely what we are and how we think whatever the challenge.


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