Monday, November 30, 2009

Wood For Interior Boat

Walking Bear Retreat

[Sunlight in a Cafeteria - Edward Hooper ]

Despite being happy, at least it is positive that is small.

After a long time with little post, we are now recovering the pace and writing lots lately. We are delighted to have recovered this blog so many feelings, most good, made us alive. Thanks to him we have met wonderful people, people who have joined us, comforted and made you laugh, people who have endured our absence and our lack of sociability intermittent blogger. People, many of them are still there and we really appreciate their presence.

times have been rare, both good and bad, it seems are being replaced by new ones. Movement, evolution, nothing remains.

Apesardemí been operating since December 2005 in its first version, not bad, not bad, it's been four years and here we are still here, alive and full of life. Something else touched by life but with more feel wonderful to remember. We will forget the bad.

Thanks to you all for being there and remain. Still here.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mixing Two Songs In Garageband

many years ago, the many years we can say that outright ownership of "many years ago, was in Madrid called Wild Animal House . Was an enclosure installed in the Retiro Park where caged animals exhibited a very different concept of the later and far more civilized zoos in which animals live in an environment without being idyllic is far more according to their inclinations.

For that, many years ago, when Despite not born and I lived in Madrid, the chavalería took advantage of every opportunity to enter the zoo and enjoy the view of those animals that our innocent eyes we included exotic and wild.

monkey's cage was one of the most stirred the eyes of visitors, their obscene antics and his natural impudence us was spellbound.

But to me, the animal that struck me was the bear, an old bear caged in a cell of a few square meters continually walking from one end to another enclosure. She never stopped walking, came to an end and turned to continue to the opposite. I felt sorry, I thought that never stopped because it never reached its destination, certainly had no destination but I guess he did not know. Incessantly while walking, to me it seemed, remembered other times and missed other worlds.

I went to see him many times, many of them, until one day shut down the Wild Animal House Retreat and opened a great zoo in the House Country. I went through there, its newest and most beautiful house but it was not the same.

still remember, and remember. Who has not gone through similar situations?.

Monday, November 23, 2009

How Much Is A Supercomputer Worth

Mind Maps

schemes mind maps, as defined by Buzan (2002), ". . . are a powerful graphic technique that offers a master key to access the potential of the brain that can be applied to all aspects of life, so that an improvement in learning and clarity of thought can strengthen the of human beings. "

Basically it is placed in the center of a page, the central concept on which we want to make our map and then go write the basic concepts that underpin the central element, connecting to it via lines in the direction of clockwise . It is convenient to use nested keywords, pictures, symbols, colors, what happens to us but in a schematic and simple.

is a method to organize thoughts, actions, strategies, etc. they can concentrate on specific details without losing sight of the necessary overview.

say it works, and I will tell you.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Fingered With Yeast Infection


[Rooms for Tourists - Edward Hooper]

A quiet evening, probably too quiet for what's buzzing in the head. Turn on the hard drive and look for that movie that you have been recommended, the issue may not be the most appropriate for a half head flu but wants to see, press the button that houses a triangle and sprawling on the couch. The screen lights up with an older man, it seems very harsh but his face is friendly, thin, white hair surrounding a splendid baldness, comfortable and casual clothing. Reports that will tell a story.

The story begins in the encounter with a very young girl, much younger than he, who asks for help in the form of asylum, arguing that he has nowhere to go, no money and if you're hungry. He flatly refuses, reinforcing its refusal with some insults and scorn but, and otherwise would not film in the end reluctantly agrees to two minutes, just two minutes. Enter the house and she stays to sleep.

The following scenes are seen by tourism, sightseeing, talking, good at those scenes more than talk he calls slob, stupid and other niceties while she maintains a sincere smile and replied as he can.

The movie is interesting, well-run, we are liking but at home there is no silence, silence needs to see a movie, like silence, is not alone, we address questions, a phone conversation forces you to rewind, so again . Nothing, the incipient bubble is broken, upset take control and find the button with the square, pressed. Stop the couple disappears and a notice is in place. Rose pissed off, not too much should not, no big deal, then continue watching. Find another activity

is placed helmets, Silvio sounds, it leaves you waiting for smooth softness him. Open a beer, he decides to cook something, Silvio be getting into your brain, opens the refrigerator, look, turn up the volume, Silvio and the beer flowing peacefully inside, pulls out knives and pans, rests on the table and begins to cut , notice how the bubble reappears, so good ...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How To Get Blueprints Of An Office Building


surfing the Internet find this review: "The woman of 300 orgasms a day is partner"

The incumbent is striking is not it, the morbid curiosity and kill me, pick on the link and read the news . It speaks of a condition called "Syndrome continuously excited," the kinds of promises, a woman excited continuously, the desired dream, but wrong, almost every guy. I keep reading.

The woman who is always excited is an Englishwoman who has or have uncontrolled with 300 orgasms every day. If you stop to think about it at first sounds like a real enjoyed a continuous orgasm. Women need to have sex ten times a day. Do not know why, really, with so imagine his body orgasm will be more than calm in the sexual arena. But no, this was one of their problems, had trouble finding a partner capable of maintaining such a pace of lovemaking. Innocently says his couples "tired" and could not stand the pace. No wonder

should not be easy to find men as men imagine it causes headache and fatigue of the penis. But as in this world is all, Michelle, that's the name of the active woman, happily found a new partner who is up to par, very high, in the circumstances. Pictured

she looks happy, no wonder, enjoy 10 sex every day and also on his own, enjoy (I think that yes, has) 300 orgasms a day.

occurs to me that this couple did not hear the familiar phrase "Did you run?", The strange thing is when Michelle fail to achieve orgasm.

My best wishes for the two lovers compulsive.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Pirates Of The Caribbean Play Guitar Tab

Buenos purposes

[logic-Edward Hooper]

was early, like almost every day at that time was sitting at the computer, aside his favorite cup almost full of coffee, an ashtray near where smokes a cigarette just lit, the radio said the latest news, online newspapers further complement the same or similar news. It seems that the world does not move, it all sounds to repeat, more of the same with small variations in the stars or in specific circumstances. Something is wrong. It reminds a little to your life. The world, the world he knows or thinks he knows, he seems energized by mere routine, led by mere inertia, seems to change, new things seem to happen but in the end, it is usually more of the same, small changes everything stays the same. His life is like, everything works or medium runs but something is wrong.

routines, inertia, customs confused. Think you should rethink many things, trying to break that dynamic, its own dynamics. Modify the world must be far more complicated. Although changing itself is not easy.

lights up another cigarette, he knows he should leave but ... maybe I should make a list of good intentions, actions to perform, desired changes, you should do but ...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Acrostic Forgiveness Poem

Two bodies

Their bodies lay on the bed naked hot and discarded. They were silent, each in their thoughts installed. In the room only broken even hear the breathing of the two bodies filled. Silence and stillness. Physical inactivity, total laxity. Only their minds kept operating power, just their minds acting, thinking, remembering, ramble, felt.

Then seemed to be asleep, each left to their fate. The riots and clothes scattered on the ground confirmed that these two bodies, now separated and others, had been one only had just a moment. His thoughts, like their bodies had merged into one. Each hand, each face, each sex had found the desired fittings and perfect movements, accomplices had managed to provoke moans of pleasure and desire, had succeeded in making their bodies shivering and hungry bow in unison while their hands clung force power to handle physically and emotionally satisfying they had created. Desire and Reason happily supplemented.

One body moved slightly to feel the warm touch of another body. The arms maneuvered building a nest soft and warm. Huddled happy ending to the vagaries of their minds.

- I have loved much

- Do not you love me?

- Who cares, that does not matter right?

- do not know, but why tell me now?

- I needed you to know

- I know, now just hold me close and caress again

- ...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

How To Make A Pokemon Bracelet


[Starry Night - Van Goch]

Sunday, I wake up early, very early. I have not slept well and I wish to take refuge in the heavy silence and complicity of those hours, a silence so silent that it seems that there is nothing out of it, not even your own thoughts.

Then, when the world is waking up and the silence begins his agony, I placed the headphones and turn the wheel until the sound volume precludes me hear, recover a sense of protection and solitude.

I have to take the car, a small travel spit speakers sound combinations in the form of decibels so high that the mind feels out of mind. Protective sensation has returned.

During the day I have to ingeniármelas to remain protected. Surrounded by people is more complicated, especially if you do not fancy walking giving explanations, so I invented a thousand occupations complex, try not to stand still and realize any mental activity that gets the neurons remain or too stunned or too busy.

Silences, sounds, activity, it does not matter, the case is not to think, not yet.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Plus Size Bohemian Hippie

remember struggling

could not be removed head the perfect image of his pelvis.

That afternoon was like a discovery, as if for the first time I saw him naked belly, as if his memory did not recognize that surface smooth and soft, as if his fingers had never traveled that part of your skin.

Perhaps it was the position, the angle of vision, perhaps, that until then had failed to see, perhaps something was different or maybe he knew that this could be the last time.


The reason was not important, all that mattered was that image, the memory of that image and the feeling that accompanied it.

would have liked to freeze that image, immortalize, keep it forever. A photograph, painting, any method that would not be lost, which might remain alive forever.

was not possible at that time was not aware that the image would move, change of posture and dissolve over time.

is now only the memory, the magical memory of that image of perfect symmetry, of the naked body marked by a slight line of curly hair and guarded by desire.