Friday, November 20, 2009

Fingered With Yeast Infection


[Rooms for Tourists - Edward Hooper]

A quiet evening, probably too quiet for what's buzzing in the head. Turn on the hard drive and look for that movie that you have been recommended, the issue may not be the most appropriate for a half head flu but wants to see, press the button that houses a triangle and sprawling on the couch. The screen lights up with an older man, it seems very harsh but his face is friendly, thin, white hair surrounding a splendid baldness, comfortable and casual clothing. Reports that will tell a story.

The story begins in the encounter with a very young girl, much younger than he, who asks for help in the form of asylum, arguing that he has nowhere to go, no money and if you're hungry. He flatly refuses, reinforcing its refusal with some insults and scorn but, and otherwise would not film in the end reluctantly agrees to two minutes, just two minutes. Enter the house and she stays to sleep.

The following scenes are seen by tourism, sightseeing, talking, good at those scenes more than talk he calls slob, stupid and other niceties while she maintains a sincere smile and replied as he can.

The movie is interesting, well-run, we are liking but at home there is no silence, silence needs to see a movie, like silence, is not alone, we address questions, a phone conversation forces you to rewind, so again . Nothing, the incipient bubble is broken, upset take control and find the button with the square, pressed. Stop the couple disappears and a notice is in place. Rose pissed off, not too much should not, no big deal, then continue watching. Find another activity

is placed helmets, Silvio sounds, it leaves you waiting for smooth softness him. Open a beer, he decides to cook something, Silvio be getting into your brain, opens the refrigerator, look, turn up the volume, Silvio and the beer flowing peacefully inside, pulls out knives and pans, rests on the table and begins to cut , notice how the bubble reappears, so good ...


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